Wednesday, January 25, 2012

This and That. But Mostly This.

I've been writing a lot of poetry lately, and most of it has to do with Love.  Which is kind of stupid because Love's been doing a good job of kicking my ass lately.  Maybe that's the point.  What do I know?  I just sit down to write and this is what's been coming out.  I know I act like I got it all figured out, and sure I can fill out a suit nicely and be charming and make girls giggle their vodkas out their cute little noses.  And even, on occasion, manage to beguile one enough to make her show me how she looks without her vestments and pretensions.  But the truth is I'm lonely.  And I've come to realize, looking around at the circle of people I know and love, that I'm not alone in this solitude.

So many of my friends are in the middle of one kind of emotional crisis or another.  And the strange thing is that we all seem to leave each other alone to deal with our own shit.  Sure we try and talk to each other, we hang out and play music and watch movies and eat out and consume much wine.  But then comes the moment when everyone takes that short deep breath, as if preparing to jump off a cliff, and stands and begins to head their separate ways. 

I watch the couples with their strained body language, as if his body's speaking French and hers only speaks German.  They bump into each other, they ask each other if they should leave, some of them even drive away to separate homes, alone.  I watch the single folk like myself, take that moment and glance around the room and find not one face smiling back at them with that twinkling, mischief in the eyes.  The light that doesn't need a name or a label.  The one that leads to rumpled sheets and giggling midnight snacks.  And I watch the lovers, who are out the door before the rest of us, at least for now.

Why are we all such strangers to ourselves and then consequently to each other?  How easy it would be for us to be easy and free and loose in safe company.  So why aren't we?  I haven't been able to figure this out.  The closest I've come is thinking about the darkness that comes before us, the stuff that motivates our actions, defines our responses to stimuli, the dark strings of experience and thought that make us their puppets.  We are all strangers to ourselves because we are all strangers to the darkness that comes before us.  We are moved, we react in ways we are not aware of to point that we even react to our reactions.  We don't own the ground we stand upon.  So how can we ever be trusted to take a proper step?

It's strange how everything in my interactions with the opposite sex comes down to just the sex.  Is that all that one can gain from one another?  Is that the best we ever get?  Clearly not.  Look at some of our parents, or family members who seem to not only have survived in long marriages, but even managed to thrive.  Why can't we do the same?  Why are most of us great at the sex and the flirting and that initial high-school phase of things and then just fall into the comfortably slow spiral into hatred and loathing?  It's like we want our relationships to fail so we can get back to that heady initial phase with someone else.  It puzzles me greatly.

Why does the woman I loved call me when she's lonely?  Why does she feel lonely at all?  Why do I even answer when she does?  How many poems will I have to write before she either admits she loves me or just leaves me the fuck alone?  Why does she make me prove to her over and over again that I love her?  Why does she then turn around and tell me that she's afraid I'll stop loving her soon?  Why the hell am I still writing about this stuff?

Important questions all.

I just recently made a few new friends.  Wonderful, wonderful people.  But all suffering from self-esteems so beleaguered it takes my breath away.  I look at these people, who are so beautiful, and young, and full of potential, and intelligent, and vivacious.  And I wonder: Why do they allow the world, and its mediocre hordes to dictate how they should feel about themselves?  All our lives we put other people's opinions of us before our own.  In school we worry what the teacher's say, at home it's our parents.  On the streets its the friends and the boyfriends/girlfriends, in college it's our lovers, then our co-workers, and on and on.  We make ourselves feel constantly judged because in our minds the measure of the world is unceasing.  But it isn't the world that measures us.  The world doesn't care.  We do it to ourselves.  So why can't we just stop?

I spoke to a friend who's going through a breakup and I found myself entirely at a loss for words.  Me.  But what could I say?  I don't know why he never treated her like she deserved, I don't know why she never realized what she deserved from him was more until after so much of her heart was already his.  I don't know what she should do.  Hell I barely know what I should eat for breakfast most days.

And Facebook.  God do I need to rid myself of Facebook.  Do you know how many times I've checked my page as I wrote this?  I lost count after ten.  And no one wrote or updated or any of that shit.  And I don't really even truly care, so why do I check it?  When did my solitude, which was always a friend to me become so damn lonely?  It would be funny if it didn't happen everyday.

Well that's all for now.  Not exactly the most coherent of posts I'll admit but I was in the mood to ramble it seems.  I've not yet quite managed to yoke my thoughts to my words.  They both still storm against each other like armies in a siege.  I'm the just the bricks and mortar in between it seems.  The battleground for the their conflict.  The ground that has to hold the bodies and the blood.  Ooh, what a cheerful fellow I am this night.


  1. Thats a lot of food for thought. But sometimes we are so entangled in the web of questions that finding the answers ceases to be of consequence. Perhaps we are too much with ourselves. And perhaps too vast for our own selves to comprehend. I would thank the Heavens if I were you. Your heart speaks pretty coherently to your paper. Most of us are mute in this respect. Smile now. Tomorrow is another day. :)

  2. I'm so glad you posted this Arunji... some of the things in here I have wanted to either ask you or make you understand... but just as a reader of your posts it might not mean much to you... some things will only be accepted or understood when it comes from a close friend's or family's side... so I kept silent... but now I'm so glad... so very happy and relieved... and I will pray and hope that this is how strong u will always be and not let another incident or person do damage to u in any way... I will pray and hope that nothing and no one makes u write sad poems, just ones filled with hope, understanding, happiness and the strength to move on... take care and god bless...

    1. Seema, you are a wonderful person. Thank you for being such a loyal follower of my writing. I'm sorry at times it's not been the sunniest of places to come. But I am not ever able to force a false mood into my poems. What comes out is what I feel. But I've been paying heed to your comments and I've understood the wisdom in them. Once again. Thank you.

    2. simplicity brings up prison.. we loose boundry width whenever come across natural lines written by you .
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  3. I'm happy u replied Arunji :) Thank you so much... I would never want you to force a false mood ever... just be yourself... God be with u...

  4. Why does she then turn around and tell me that she's afraid I'll stop loving her soon?...Maybe your girl is scared and afraid,Chill!it's not your fault,It's her fault.
    Any girl in this sun will not go against her family because there is lot at stake before taking any step,She will always test his man,as Girls at whatever age maybe 20's or 30's,whatever her martial status is,she is always questioned.We live in a society and need to take family,friends along.You are a man with GOLDEN HEART..

  5. It's funny,I had been thinking on the same lines. The boundaries that perpetually haunt our happiness and stifle our individuality.I see very few who aren't affected by the opinion of others.I thought I was one of the few happy people with a devil-may-care attitude,until now.
    I would be lying if I said that,at some level,it hasn't affected me.
    The question is whether we were born to become individuals or huddle in with the others,clutching the past,in order to become a 'society'!?
    Frankly speaking I still don't want to give a rats ar**.

    Forgive me,I don't know if this page is meant to be interactive. But kudos!(for believing in yourself so fervently and writing it out so beautifully,I quite enjoy your work.)

    1. This is most certainly meant to be interactive Adity. That's the very purpose of sharing a little of our humanity. I'm glad you were affected even a little bit. These are things Im not sure we're ever meant to solve. Just to be aware of our own follies and idiosyncrasies and tendencies as we enter or move through relationships and our own lives.
