Thursday, January 12, 2012

Statutory Warning

(Started whilst listening to great song called "Cardinal Song" by the National, my current go to artist for a soundtrack while I write.  So the first two lines are from their song and then I just flow...Enjoy)

Never tell the one you want,
That you do.
Save it for the death bed,
When you know you kept her,
Wanting you.
Hide your love away my friend,
You really should.
Let her know where you keep it,
And she'll have to take it all, just
To know she could.
She'll treat you like a criminal,
You'll treat her like a priest.
Just never let her know
She's the only one,
That ever tamed the beast.
Never let her change her mind,
Whenever she chooses.
Never let her see your scars,
Or where it bleeds,
And where it bruises,
Never let her see your eyes,
Always tell a lie.
Never tell her she's your True North
Or the constellations,
Across your sky.
Don't let her ever see
The fabric that makes you.
She'll just end up making
Fancy fancy dresses,
Out of you.
Never let her brush across,
The warp and the weft of you.
Never let her learn your patterns,
Or she'll knows which strings to pull
To unravel the rest of you.
Never let her fill your day,
No matter what you do.
You'll be left smoking alone,
When she's gone. Even when you
Have better things to do.
Never tell her that you love her.
Especially if it's the truth.
Or at least learn how,
To love yourself more,
Before you do.


  1. This blog acting as a synchronization tool for my mindset !
    always getting new form of energy.. you can say it as patch of energy while to read request is to always put in between high dose of poems
    danke !

  2. Great one... love has the maximum power when u keep it within you... once spoken out people start considering u silly for everything you say and do...

  3. Its like a collaboration between Rhett Butler and Earnest Hemingway. :)
    PROPS>>> "Never let her brush across,
    The warp and the weft of you.
    Never let her learn your patterns,
    Or she'll knows which strings to pull
    To unravel the rest of you."
