Monday, March 19, 2012

Little Bit of Hopeful Sunset Rambling

Remember when we hoped as easily as we dreamed?  And we dreamed easier than we could breathe?  And the world seemed haloed in soft, summer light everyday.  The birds sang with a sweetness they seemed to have forgotten. Or maybe those birds have long fled the awful cities we are all forced to huddle in around the various bonfires of ambition and other flammable things.

But I heard one of those birds today.  I think.  Or perhaps the memory of her was so vivid in my mind, and the yearning for her song so strong, that my soul broke out into song in nostalgia.  Either way, I heard that voice and that song, as the sun died, slashed to crimson by the haze on the horizon.  It reminded me of the wide-eyed, inquisitive, shy fellow I used to be.  It made me walk all the roads I've walked to sit where I do, overlooking the Arabian Sea.  And I found myself filled with that bedrock happiness that I've been missing for a few months now.

It's wonderful how the heart and the mind can take their hits, and dip and be scarred, and yet return to their former fire like embers kindled by a welcome breeze.  We are all stronger than we have been made to believe by a world that feeds on our feelings of inadequacies and sadness. Give them nothing any more, my brethren.  Give them nothing of yourself but what you decide.  Remember the children you were, remember the hope that bled from your eyes like smoke from a censer.  Remember that to regain your hope and your dreams and your unconquerable heart, you just need to take a moment everyday and hear your own song reverberate in the chambers of your soul.  Remember a time, a place, a feeling, a person, an expression, a song, a taste and be transported away from doubt and sorrow, and healed and emboldened to face down the terrors of tomorrow.

Stare life in the eye, with a sardonic grin.  This wasn't the game you wished to play, but you damn sure intend to win.  Victory lies not at the finishing line.  Let the rodents run claw over each other there.  True victory comes from standing still and gazing up at the sun, and remarking on how much the two of you share.

Be fearless in your questing, the world you imagine does indeed exist. Stare out of the corner of your eyes at your own life, and blink, and there it is.  Heaven isn't hard to find.  You were crafted out of it darling.  Feel it in your heart, fill it in your bones.  As long as you have your smile, you are never alone.

Listen to a lot of music, sing along as best you can. Make love to a wonder, and be there when they awake.  Eat a slow breakfast together, forget about the rest of the day. The day can wait.  Turn off your damn phones. Even if Leonard Cohen called me while I was with you, I'd tell him I'd speak with him later.  Think before you speak, but never think before you feel.  Don't let what your instincts know get confused with the things you've learned from this world.


  1. I have a strange habit of looking for Venus in every night sky I get to catch hold of and marvelling at it.. Among the million heavenly entities, she sits at a distance, musing and smiling, in her own world, unaware of her glory and my sacred reverence for her. It makes me wonder about how puny my existence is. Of my forgotten purpose, my inconspicuous presence or absence.. But then always, unfailingly at these times, an embrace, a touch, a word, an expression gently pulls the corners of my mouth into a smile. Desiderata told me I am a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. And last night your words played the saviour. It takes time to fall in love with our souls. But when it happens, the every blossom smiles. Yesternight, I made my favourite coffee, called up to tell a piece of my heart how dearly she belongs, listened to Let there be Love, all after ages.. And you were right, the world I had imagined came to own me. Incandescently happy till this hour. I apologize for being carried away like this, but really felt I could share and thank you. :)

  2. That's a lovely post Arunji. Its always best to live in an imaginary world like when we were kids... there's so much of joy in it... People still ask me to "grow up"... age-wise may be I have grown, I'm married and have a baby but my mind is somehow still back there... the way I talk to my pet fighter fish, the way I play with my son, I've seen people stare and they ask... "Will you ever grow up? Who is elder, your baby or you?"... I don't want to grow up somehow... the world is much more beautiful when you see it the way you want to... who doesn't have problems in this world... be there for your loved ones always... its only when they leave we understand the depth of love... Pardon me for asking time off your busy schedule... if you do have a little time to spare please go through this link... it just came from my heart when I lost someone recently...
