Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stream of Consciousness Poem

And I just get confused sometimes.
Surely that's allowed.
And I say the wrong things,
Now and again.
Between your smiles and
The tears you'll shed again,
I just get turned around.
Somedays we're standing in the light,
Others we turn away from
Each other into the dark.
Somedays you reach for me,
As I'm walking away.
Others I sit wondering,
Why I never know
The right things to say.
But today, I remember.
And the sunshine reminded me of you,
As did the percussion of the wind
As it beat through the palm trees.
And the smoke that curled
Like a dancer from my mouth,
Looked a little like you,
Dancing through my room.
And I get angry sometimes.
And I'll punch a wall or two,
But I brush your pain away too,
And I mean it when I say,
I love you.


  1. This is a very well written poem. What I liked most about it was the deeper meaning I found in it and the whole imagery it created. It is an excellent read and something worth sharing..

  2. good way to depict bytes of memory ! even each string dancing with the compiler array ! computer say , thanks to techsavvy who has written all string and compiled it on you. my thanks goes to techsavvy alongwith web browser on which i got such a good read . (* flowery writing )--- type casting for this blog
